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괜찮아, 바닥을 보여줘도 괜찮아
나도 그대에게 바닥을 보여줄게, 악수
우린 그렇게
서로의 바닥을 위로하고 위로 받았던가
그대의 바닥과 나의 바닥, 손바닥
포커사이트21-12-28 14:14
Great. Do this. But can I ask what you’ve been doing up to date? Why do you think you aren’t getting more comments?
Well, I haven’t tried what you just proposed, and I think it’s a great solution. So far, I’ve been wrapping up my posts nice and tightly but it feels like I’m cutting off the circulation,
you know? I’d really like to create a community and get more readers involved… would you happen to have more tips about doing that?
파라오카지…21-12-28 14:15
Sure, I have tons of tricks you can use to build up a community. I’ll write up a series of posts to address just that. I think it’s great you’re willing to try new things. Speaking of which, have you considered…
So the next time you write, pay attention to your headline—and then pay just as much attention to your conclusion. Wrap things up in a way that encourages conversation,
Don’t you think it just might make a difference? Yes or no, let me know. Good job, bro! You done made the bigtime! And thank you Brian, this is great.